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heART & Soul Journeywoman

Breathe in, breathe out

Starting to let go, despite dreaming of having to do a strategic plan last night - woke up with a pounding heart and a rooster crowing in the yard. Lovely, busy and relaxing week. Time to reconnect with my two sisters. Spent 4 nights last week at an Ocean Front Cabin (called a villa, no less) in the little township of Kilcunda few kilometres from Phillip Island.

Strong winds, briny air, seagulls and wrens. Walks on the beach, tripping over kelp, tangling in seagrass and tiptoeing (mobs of tiny shells) over amazing rock formations.

Wonderful sunsets, footprints in the outgoing and incoming tides trying to not get pulled into the water by rogue waves.

About my blog

I am a planner, list maker, organiser and worrywart but for the first time ever I am throwing myself out into the universe without a job, but with ideas, optimism and support from family and friends. I am leaving the loving embrace of my beautiful children, the familiar, the known and the comfortable after 37 years of life in the Northern Territory.  A new segment of my life is about to begin. I know where it starts but not how it will unfold. This blog will be my companion, listener and memory keeper of this journey.


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